Sunday, August 2, 2009

On teamwork

Week 24 was a real roller coaster ride. We are in the second last week of activities, and I had been really hoping to implement my new skimming strategy, skirt over the last three weeks material and quickly identify the material necessary for TMA04 and the end of course assessment (ECA). I came rather unstuck as the material in both Weeks 23 and 24 has been very challenging; there is no let up in the pace or pressure of the course. I am not a natural skimmer (more a natural plodder actually; well at least careful and methodical).

I'm travelling to the UK in 10 days time for a family wedding. My husband is giving away his god-daughter and I'm doing the bible reading, so it's pretty important for us. However TMA04 has to be finished early to fit this in. Couple this with school holidays and a laptop developing strange glitches in line with my rising level of desperation - and boom!!! Panic set in when I read the forums on Friday and realised there is still so much I should have understood.
However two fellow students came to my aid - Julie and Alan, thanks so much for identifying with me and offering some words of support. It meant everything. John stepped in with some helpful advice to get to grips with the difficult paper by Etienne Wenger about Communities of Practice, and together we showed what a great learning community we have for ourselves. Each person brings their own capabilities, viewpoint, insights, and sometimes listening ears. Together we attempt to construct meaning and move forward in our learning.
I'm still feeling really pressurised but so thrilled to be part of our group - we've come on a long journey and have built some strong connections together.


  1. Leslie - we're all in the same boat with regard to pressure on the course. For what it's worth, my wife says there are three in our, her and H800....and that it's getting crowded.

  2. Yes John - one of the big ways I can manage it is to verbalise it and reach out to other people, so we can identify with and support each other. We had a wonderful Elluminate last night doing just that. It was really worth it, we all felt much better afterwards. Coping in isolation is the worst thing as you tend to imagine that everyone else is doing better! Writing on my blog also helps me to cope. Hope u doing OK with TMA04.
