At the end of Weeks 21/22, we were asked to look for documents that address the future of technologies or set out strategy and policy with respect to technology, perhaps for a given context. My immediate thought for the African context was to look at infoDev.org, which is a World Bank co-ordinated website concerning the broad topic of ICTs for development, and dealing with education as one of its topic areas. There is more material in here and things to explore than you could wish for; for example if you follow the link from the Education page, there are details of an ICT in Education Toolkit. In the 'Reference Handbook' of the Toolkit, there is an interesting animated powerpoint presentation dealing with ICTs in Education and development. A list of requirements is included for moving 'from potential to effectiveness', including the crucial need for training and support of personnel which John also highlighted in his recent blog post on this subject. As a trainer and consultant, I can certainly vouch for this requirement, and am interested in whether this can be effectively achieved to disparate and distanced audiences by utilising the technology itself.
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