Monday, May 25, 2009

Too much of a good thing?

I realise with some sense of responsibility that if one does a google search on 'OU H800' then all our reflective blogs are listed, for the world to read about our experiences on this first iteration of the course. Plus someone might pop in and point out that with my Road to Hell lyrics, I just used a pic of the A34. Wasn't that supposed to be the M25? Well the pic communicated my feelings about bandwidth problems, and yes the A34 does happen to be pretty high up on my list of roads to hell.

We have been discussing in our forums the Michael Wesch video 'A Vision of Students Today'

Students spending hours and hours online each day? Dis-engaged, facebooking through most of their classes, bringing their laptops but not working on class stuff? Isn't that because they have abundant, cheap bandwidth available? Perhaps too much of a good thing. Maybe being on the wrong side of a bandwidth issue does have some merits for our kids .....


  1. Looks like you're getting the hand of the blogging Lesley. I think it looks so much better than what the OU blogging site can provide.
    I think I'll always have Bennett's article on mind in future when thinking about the "net generation". They're no different to us.....they just have easier access to information than we had at their age. Call it jealousy if you will but you're right, they have too much of a good thing.

  2. Hi John, thanks for the comment. I am LOVING the blogging. Just don't have enough time to do everything I want, but it will come...
